Cajasol Tower - Sevilla, Spain
cast-in Anchor channels
Cajasol Tower is a skyscraper of 178 meters – 41 floors, the tower is the tallest building in Andalusia and in the city of Seville, and the seventh tallest in Spain. For the realization of this project, AdermaLocatelli used the GP38/23 hot drawn anchor channel.
FCC & Abengoa
Sevilla, Spain
GP Anchor Channel

project description
The design of the Cajasol Tower belongs to the architect Cesar Pelli, the skyscraper of 178 meters – 41 floors stands out in the skies of Seville creating a strong debate.
AdermaLocatelli provided the GP38/23 hot drawn anchor channel. The experience was fundamental in the subsequent design of the HGP anchor channel created at the end of 2019.
For the realization of the project, AdermaLocatelli used products belonging to the following business lines: Cast-in anchor channels .
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GP Anchor Channel
GP anchor channels are conventional anchorage systems composed of an anchor channel with T-bolt. GP anchor channels are extremely safe and durable.