Porta Nuova Garibaldi square - Milan, Italy
cast-in Anchor channels
A great number of constructions and towers face onto Gae Aulenti Square, the new district in Milan. All these buildings were built with AdermaLocatelli products, specifically we have supplied all the cast-in anchor channels and part of the stone cladding.
Colombo e Taleya
Residential / Public / Office
Gae Aulenti Square, Milan
GP Anchor Channel
Anchoring System - Series S
Suspension from steel

project description
Milan has been given a new face since 2012 with the opening of the new Porta Nuova Garibaldi district and Piazza Gae Aulenti.
A number of buildings and towers face onto Piazza Gae Aulenti, and a raised walkway from here leads to the Arquitectonica towers designed by architect Caputo and built by CNS. These towers are a series of office buildings designed by Khon Pedersen and Fox Architects, concluding with Palazzo Diamante, built by Teleya of Coopsette for CMB Unieco. Palazzo Diamante is the headquarter of BNP Paribas offices since 2017.
All these buildings were built with AdermaLocatelli products. Aderma designed and built some of the stone cladding between Garibaldi railway station and Piazza Gae Aulenti, projects built by Colombo Costruzioni Lecco.
GL Locatelli supplied all the concrete anchorage systems, supplying ETA–CE certified anchor channels www.anchorchannels.com
Aderma built the stone wall at the entrance to the COIMA building.
For the realization of the project, AdermaLocatelli used products belonging to the following business lines: Cast-in anchor channels, Suspension from steel and Fastenings for ventilated facades.
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GP Anchor Channel
GP anchor channels are conventional anchorage systems composed of an anchor channel with T-bolt. GP anchor channels are extremely safe and durable.

Suspension from steel
AdermaLocatelli flange clamps permit suspension from steel without damaging the paint or zinc on the metal structure.

Anchoring system – S series
The anchoring system Series S is made of steel and it is the best solution for ventilated facades with misaligned vertical joint.